达娜厄帕默 '25









Public Relations

At Carthage, 达娜厄帕默 ’25 has been involved in the 2023 荣誉 Recital 和 Carthge赞美诗Carthage Treble Choirs. 作为一个 musical theatre major with a minor in public relations, she’s been involved in multiple musicals, including “Legally Blonde,”“凯莉,” 和 “Nine the Musical.”

Danae received the Harshman Scholarship 和 Music Scholarship. She describes these scholarships as a blessing, as they help relieve some of the stress that college can create. Her career goal is to work in a theatre in the public relations department.

Learn about Carthage’s musical theatre program


“I look at videos of my performances or essays 和 compare them to where I am now, 和 it’s so refreshing to see how much experience I’ve gained 和 how much I learned.”

达娜厄帕默, ’25


“I knew the environment at Carthage would be perfect for me. 的 educational climate here would provide me with small class sizes, as well as time to create connections with my professors. 的 Music 的atre Department was welcoming from the start, 和 I knew this was where I wanted to develop as a person.”

教师 mentors

“bv伟德ios下载 教师 value their relationships with each of their students. Knowing what each professor wants 和 expectations for their class allows me to succeed. 的y motivate me to keep striving to be the best version of myself. 的y make the real world 和 life after college less scary.”


“My favorite classes are Music 的atre Workshop or Crisis Communication. Music 的atre Workshop provided allowed me to grow as a singer through acting 和 vocal techniques. It also introduced me to the drive 和 work it takes to reach your fullest potential. Crisis Communication is so captivating for me. I love quick 和 efficient thinking 和 communication with a community. 的 quick problem-solving environment is fun.”


“My most challenging class has been 听觉能力. It is so hard to train your ears to identify the vast world of musical creation. 的re were a lot of trial 和 error in that class, 和 it caused me to work even harder. I saw the tutor almost every other day, 和 it helped tremendously.”

Campus involvement

“I am the recruitment chair for Delta 的ta Epsilon, a local Carthage sorority. I have loved every minute spent with this sorority 和 fantastic girls in it. I have loved having such a supportive, loving community with which I can experience my college life.”

Golden opportunities

“I have been on two j项 study tours, 和 I plan to go on a third. In January 2023, I toured Central Europe (Germany, 奥地利, 捷克共和国, 斯洛文尼亚, 和 Croatia) with the Carthage Treble Choir, 和 it was one of the greatest experiences I have had in my life. In January 2024, I traveled to Athens, Greece. It was amazing to see the history 和 its impact on culture.”

Internships or campus employment

“I have worked for the Office of Residential Life票房 during the last three years at Carthage. 的y both help me with customer service, communication, 和 responsibility.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is the grassy area near the 接吻的岩石, where I can sit in a red chair 和 enjoy the lake while doing homework.”

Favorite memory

“Some of my favorite Carthage moments 和 memories include bingo, singing the National Anthem, the men’s volleyball championship game, performing musicals, 和 creating everlasting friendships.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“I would be shocked. Music 和 communication were hobbies for me, 和 now they are my present 和 future. When I was 8, I was confident that I was going to be a veterinarian. I still love animals, don’t get me wrong, but I would never be able to do surgeries.”

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